Perfect sync is supported through iFacialMocap/ FaceMotion3D/ VTube Studio/ MeowFace. VSeeFace runs on Windows 8 and above (64 bit only). VSeeFace offers functionality similar to Luppet, 3tene, Wakaru and similar programs. Check FBX import settings in inspector : texures, animations, smoothing, etc.VSeeFace is a free, highly configurable face and hand tracking VRM and VSFAvatar avatar puppeteering program for virtual youtubers with a focus on robust tracking and high image quality.Re-import your FBX into a new scene in the 3D package you use to generate it - is it what you expected?.Check your file size - do a sanity check on the file size (e.g.If you have any issues you can revert to 2012.2 if necessary

Use the Latest Version of FBX where possible.Īutodesk update their FBX installer regularly and it can provide different results with different versions of their own software and other 3rd party 3D apps Cameras and Lights are not currently imported in to Unity.Nodes, markers and their transforms can be exported.Check Animation / Deformations / Skins / Morphs as appropriate.Be aware of your settings in the export dialogue so that you know what to expect and can match up the fbx settings In Unity - see figs 1, 2 & 3 below.Smoothing - Check if you want smoothing groups and/or smooth mesh.Textures - Make sure your textures are sourced already from your Unity project or copied into a folder called \textures in your project.Blend Shapes / Morphing - Make sure your Blendshapes (Maya) or Morph targets (Max) are assigned / set up the export mesh appropriately.